Client Testimonials
“The massage therapist has a very good sense of incorporating your feedback and how your body feels to directly address your needs. She has a variety of techniques and responsive hands. It was a pleasure.” |
“I found out about Align at the YMCA Women’s Health Fair. My neck was so sore that I could barely movie it. Dr. Knotts taught me that subluxations can affect your overall function in your daily life. I am now getting stronger and my posture is improving.” |
“I have been a true patient of Dr. Josh Knotts since 2007. My pain in my neck has dramatically decreased. I make it a necessary measure to attend each appointment time. The results are awesome!” |
Before & After X-Rays
Victoria and Samuel are brother and sister. At ages 5 and 2 they were rear ended while at a near stop by a pickup truck pushing their car into another car in front of them. Fortunately, they found corrective chiropractic rehabilitation and made a great recovery from their symptoms, but their x-rays shows corrective changes in the structure. Victoria's and Samuel's daily functions normalized in their day to day life. What if they did not find corrective chiropractic rehabilitation? - Their lives today and tomorrow may be much different.